With Deep Whois, keeping track of domain expirations and Whois data changes has never been simpler. Whether you own the domain or not, you can monitor any domain name and receive push notifications directly on your iOS device. These alerts notify you when a domain's expiration is approaching or when changes occur in its Whois data, such as name servers, contacts, or registration dates.
To activate expiration and Whois data change notifications, simply press the ’Bell’ button in the domain Whois view.
Once the monitoring is set up, Deep Whois performs an initial check of the domain and sends a push notification to your device upon successfully verifying the Whois data.
Domains with active monitoring will display a ’Bell’ icon next to them in your domain list.
If you need to disable monitoring and notifications, you can do so by tapping the ’Bell’ button again in the domain Whois view or by swiping left or right to delete the domain entry from your list. Additionally, you can turn off monitoring and notifications for all domains in the app settings using the ’Delete All Alarms’ button.
Stay informed and never miss an important update about your domains with Deep Whois's powerful monitoring and notification features.