Deep Whois

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Whois History in Terminal
(macOS, Linux, FreeBSD)


For those who prefer working in the Terminal, Deep Whois offers a powerful command line utility that makes retrieving historical Whois data easy. A simple command lets you dive into a domain’s past, revealing the most recent and oldest records right from your terminal.

To view Whois history using the Deep Whois command line utility, add the ’@history’ or ’@h’ argument to your query.

Whois History Command Agruments in Deep Whois in Terminal

This command retrieves the domain name's historical data:

deep-whois @history

In Terminal, the results are sorted from the most recent to the oldest record. For example, the oldest available Whois record for reveals the original owner before the domain was sold for millions of dollars.

Whois History for Domain in Deep Whois in Terminal