Deep Whois

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Whois History
in Windows 11 and 10
Command Prompt


For users who prefer working in Command Prompt or PowerShell, Deep Whois provides a robust command line utility that makes retrieving historical Whois data straightforward. With a single command, you can explore a domain's past, showing both the most recent and oldest records directly from your Windows terminal.

To view Whois history with the Deep Whois command line utility on Windows 10 or 11, simply add the ’@history’ or ’@h’ argument to your query.

Whois History Command Agruments in Deep Whois on Windows

This command retrieves the domain name's historical data:

deep-whois @history

In Command Prompt or PowerShell, the results will be displayed starting with the most recent record and going back to the oldest. For instance, the earliest available Whois record for reveals the original owner of the domain.

Whois History for Domain in Deep Whois on Windows